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Here's our full library of sample charts

Each sample includes the relevant panels around a select city. You’ll also see everything else you get with a full SkySectional—the complete legend, frequency and airspace information and sectional advisories. Best of all, you’ll get a better idea of the quality and ease-of-use that make SkySectionals an ideal addition to your flight bag.

Full SkySectionals look just like our samples—but you get the full chart (they’re not limited to the area around one city).

Below is the link to the Twin Cities SkySectional sample chart. It provides panels for Minneapolis, MN and the surrounding area.

Download the Twin Cities Sample

Full SkySectionals look just like our samples, including the full sectional grid, legend, frequencies, airspace information and sectional advisories—but you also get the full 36 panels of the sectional (without the “SAMPLE” watermark, of course).

  • Each SkySectional panel is high-resolution and calibrated for readability and fidelity on color ink-jet and laser printers
  • Each panel provides generous overlap with adjoining panels to make tracking your route easy.
  • SkySectionals include the same sectional information you’re used to seeing from the FAA in the same 1:500,000 scale.

Below is the link to the Denver SkySectional sample chart. It provides panels for Colorado Springs, CO and the surrounding area.

Download the Denver Sample

Full SkySectionals look just like our samples, including the full sectional grid, legend, frequencies, airspace information and sectional advisories—but you also get the full 36 panels of the sectional (without the “SAMPLE” watermark, of course).

  • Each SkySectional panel is high-resolution and calibrated for readability and fidelity on color ink-jet and laser printers
  • Each panel provides generous overlap with adjoining panels to make tracking your route easy.
  • SkySectionals include the same sectional information you’re used to seeing from the FAA in the same 1:500,000 scale.

Below is the link to the San Francisco SkySectional sample chart. It provides panels for Sacramento, CA and the surrounding area.

Download the San Francisco Sample

Full SkySectionals look just like our samples, including the full sectional grid, legend, frequencies, airspace information and sectional advisories—but you also get the full 36 panels of the sectional (without the “SAMPLE” watermark, of course).

  • Each SkySectional panel is high-resolution and calibrated for readability and fidelity on color ink-jet and laser printers
  • Each panel provides generous overlap with adjoining panels to make tracking your route easy.
  • SkySectionals include the same sectional information you’re used to seeing from the FAA in the same 1:500,000 scale.

Below is the link to the Atlanta Terminal Area Chart & VFR Flyway sample chart. It provides selected panels for the Atlanta, GA area.

Download the Atlanta TAC/VFR Flyway Sample

Full SkySectionals TACs look just like this sample—but your get everything that is included in a standard paper TAC (including the VFR Flyway if it’s available).

  • Each SkySectional panel is high-resolution and calibrated for readability and fidelity on color ink-jet and laser printers
  • Each panel provides generous overlap with adjoining panels to make tracking your route easy.
  • SkySectional TACs include the same sectional information you’re used to seeing from the FAA in the same 1:250,000 scale.

Below is the link to the Low Enroute SkySectional sample chart. It provides panels for from the L-19/L-20 Chart showing the San Antonio Panel (C1-C3).

Download the Low Enroute Sample

Full SkySectional Low Enroute Charts are the same chart information you find on an FAA Low Enroute Chart but provided in much more managable letter-sized “panels”. Improve cockpit efficiency by bringing along the SkySectional panels that are pertinent to your trip and discover how enroute charts can be as convenient as approach plates.

  • Each page is high-resolution and calibrated for readability and fidelity on color ink-jet and laser printers.
  • Each panel provides generous overlap with adjoining panels to make tracking your route easy.
  • Each chart includes the legend, along with the MTR, MOA, Special Use Airspace and Airport Listings are included.
  • Low-Altitude Enroute charts are provided at 90% of scale for excellent readability and page-saving efficiency.

Below is the link to the CAP Chart sample. It provides panels around the Idaho Falls, ID and the surrounding area.

Download the CAP Charts Sample

Full CAP Charts from SkySectionals look just like this sample, including the full CAP grid overlay, legend, frequencies, airspace information and sectional advisories—but you also get the full 36 panels of the sectional.

  • Every CAP Chart overlays the conventional 15-minute by 15-minute CAP grid that’s further subdivided into 7.5-minute A-B-C-D grids
  • Each CAP Chart panel is high-resolution and calibrated for readability and fidelity on color ink-jet and laser printers
  • Each panel provides generous overlap with adjoining panels to make tracking your route easy.
  • CAP Charts include the same sectional information you’re used to seeing from the FAA/NACO in the same 1:500,000 scale

Downloading Samples

To download the sample, it is best to right-click the link above and select a folder to save the file to on your computer. You can then open it with Adobe Reader. If you don’t have Adobe Reader, it’s a free download from

Viewing Samples

Just like our full SkySectionals charts, our samples are provided as a PDF. You’ll need the free Adobe Reader to open, view and print the charts. You can download it from here if you don’t have it already.


We’re always interested in your thoughts and feedback. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at

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